Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Don't worry David, We'll catch the baton

Sunday David Phillips Pastor at Christ Chapel Bible Church died on a slick and icy Texas road. Today I went to his memorial service. It is amazing how you can know something about someone but not KNOW it. I had a couple personal experiences with David's intense love for Jesus Christ. After the service I realize I was one in a thousand...the thousands that David touched with his greatest passion...his love for God. There will be a void for a time in this world because those who have been touched by David will need sometime to stop and realize that we need to continue the race where David left off. We have rested too long on David's excellent service to Christ and his "Well Done Good and Faithful Servant" is the gun shot for the leg of our race to take off. Living this side of heaven is a continual relay of being touched by God, often through others, and then passing that life altering touch on to those around us so they can run their own race. David was a master at touching off races. I've heard my gun shot, I've picked up my baton. David, I'll see you at the finish line.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

excellant post my friend. love ya. kla