Tuesday, April 25, 2006

I think I have just been suckered! A friend of mine and I have been talking about who has the bigger pile of dirty laundry. This is my approximatly 6x9 closet and I swear this pile is a good foot deep. I'm afraid their might be a body underneath so I'm a little hesitant to do it all! Actually the reason I'm feeling suckered is that I noticed that all though my "friend" has blogged about her immense pile of laundry she has never actually posted a picture (guess she's not ready to come out of the closet :) ) Anyway this compition isn't quite fair my pile is bigger at least I'm assuming it is bigger because I've never actually seen her pile just read about it because I've just finished redoing the floors on 1000+ square feet of my downstairs that required first my washer and dryer to sit in my garage for a week and then over this past weekend I was just too busy painting and laying laminate. Anyway enough excuse making...this is a freakin mountain! I think I'm going to make and extra strong cup of La Vida Dulce Coffee, put on some Julie Andrews from The Sound of Music (okay not really) and start folding!
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Unknown said...

Wow! That's immense! And I am not sure which "friend" you are talking about, but this blogging friend posted her luandry pile months ago (like March 17, 2006) I was hoping a lucky leprechaun might come over and take care of it for me. You could wait for May 5th and hope a lucky "Consuela" would come do it for Cinco de Mayo!

I believe you may have one this round of Laundry Pyramid!

Keep that coffee going though...I'll be there soon!

Anonymous said...

But look at that amazing tile floor!

Lara said...


On another note...anything to make a friend feel better about themselves (?themself, himself, herself...?)

I really do have things I need to do today...LIKE LAUNDRY but I'm in an intense blog war...think my bosses will understand?

Lara said...


On another note...anything to make a friend feel better about themselves (?themself, himself, herself...?)

I really do have things I need to do today...LIKE LAUNDRY but I'm in an intense blog war...think my bosses will understand?

Anonymous said...

Work Schmerk. Who needs it?