Friday, March 24, 2006


I just thought I'd post how depressingly far apart Fort Worth, Texas; SomewhereLand, Michigan; and Durham, North Carolina are: FAR FAR APART!(I'm hearing this in my head in a Shrek voice)


Anonymous said...

You know hearing Shrek Voices in your head might be a sign that you need help... ;)

Honestly, they are far away! Maybe you need to find somewhere to live that is nice right in the middle then you could be the stopping spot for us both!

I miss you friend!

And thanks for bloging so close to makes me happy!

And also, that is a great picture of all of us!

Anonymous said...

thank goodness we live today and not, say, 10 years ago. (: I just got cingular and Southwest Airlines has cheap fares!

Where was that picture taken, by the way?

Anonymous said...

POSt a new blog for heavens sake.